
Saturday, May 21, 2016

My license is online

My license is online with the Board!!!

I'm totally, 100% official. 

This rules!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2016


I passed my licensure exam!!!

Thursday night I finally got my Authorization to Test (ATT) which enabled me to go onto the Pearson Vue website and view testing locations and times. There was a spot available on Monday the 16th, so I took it!

My husband got a reservation at a hotel near the testing center in Bellaire and we dropped the kids off with their grandparents. He mapped out three different routes to the center in case of rain (which happened) and traffic. 

We arrived at the hotel, took a couple practice drives to the testing center to time it out, and then chilled out at the hotel for a bit. We ate dinner at the bar and shopped in the little gift shop. Josh found me this....

 I tried to go to bed early. I took a hot bath. I brought my headphones to drown out Josh's snoring and to listen to relaxing music. I took my nighttime meds. I still didn't get to sleep until after midnight...and I woke up several times but was up and at em at 5:45am. I threw on a sweater, brushed my teeth, pulled my hair into a pony tail, and we went downstairs to eat breakfast....of which I ate very little. 

The nerves were really getting to me. I prayed and prayed but I was just ready to get the show on the road. 

Josh dropped me off at 7am, which I found out was too early. But after waiting in the hallway, it was time! A group of us taking all different types of exams signed in, took our palm vein scans and photos, grabbed our headphones and began the exam. 

I tried not to look at the number of question I was on...just keep my focus, but when I finally looked up, I was on question 71. I told myself that if I was still testing at 76, I would take a break. After 75, my screen went blank and my heart sank. It seemed like a good thing, but I got so many select all that apply questions that I was very unsettled. 

Josh picked me up and we headed home. We were home by 10:30 and I sat on the couch, shell shocked. Then it was time for the 48 hour wait. It was long, it was stressful, it was nervewracking. But at 8am yesterday morning....I logged on to see this....

It is finished. All the hard work that I have done since deciding to begin this journey in the summer of's over. I passed the exam and I am an RN. It's surreal. I have a job interview next week and I put in another application with a place that is currently checking my references. I really hope that my license shows up on the Board of Nursing's website so that I can update that application. I've already contacted the HR department where I am interviewing next week. It's good to have options! 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Working toward NCLEX

Well, as I wait to schedule my NCLEX-RN exam, I have been studying and putting a few applications out. 

I got a call yesterday to interview in a couple of weeks for a Telemetry RN position at St. Luke's. It's scheduled for the 26th and I am hoping to be able to have scheduled my exam by then. 

If I pass it, and I get an offer from St. Lukes, and I accept it, that would at least give me a plan. There is not plan right now and my tummy is not enjoying it. 

So for now, I am taking tons of practice exams and questions using Kaplan, NCLEX Mastery, and a few practice apps. I find it difficult with the kids and dogs and packing for the move to sit for 3 hours and take exams uninterrupted. It's been easier for me to spend 30 minute chunks of time doing practice questions and then if I have some uninterrupted time, I do the Kaplan trainers. 

Hopefully, Lord willing, we get this show on the road, I pass on the first time, I can be an official RN, and I can move on. My tummy is full of anxious excitement!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Graduation party

Shortly after my graduation Saturday, my parents hosted a graduation party for me. 

I don't know who was more excited, my mom or me. She has been planning this thing for just about a year now. She really outdid herself. 

I loved being able to spend time with family and friends and share this exciting time. 

Mom's decorations were awesome! She and my dad really put their all into it. 

And with that, the celebrations are over. Now I just have to get that license.