
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Jansen's 10th birthday

My youngest child is now in the double digits!

This child, born 10 years ago, was a breath of fresh air. Everything with Caleb had been so difficult. Every day was just a trial, going through testing for Autism, trying to get him to eat, managing meltdown after meltdown, screaming, crying, vomiting...and Jansen was born. 

He was the sweetest, quietest, most relaxed baby I have ever seen. He loved to be snuggled, cuddled, sung to, talked to, and just had the best disposition. It was refreshing to have two children with completely opposite personalities. 

Today, we celebrate Jansen. He is officially 10. 

Last night, Caleb and I did a bit of decorating for Jans. We blew up balloons, I taped them to Jansen's door, and Caleb numbered them from 1-10. Caleb wanted to help make his brother's morning special, which says a lot #1 because they are brothers, and #2 because Autism makes Caleb quite selfish. It was so cute to watch him arrange things for Jansen. 

This morning, the birthday boy requested French Toast. French toast he got!

Later on this afternoon, we will be baking cupcakes for his classmates at school tomorrow, and then when his Dad comes home, we will head out to his restaurant of choice. All to celebrate Jansen. Happy birthday monkey. Today is your day!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. How lovely post!! This 10th birthday party is amazing. It reminds me of my daughter’s birthday party that we threw at one of the best Chicago venues. It was her best birthday celebration. We’ll never forget the day!!
