As you may know, the little one is turning 6 next month and wants a Lego party. problem. It just so happens that May is THE busiest month in our year, so I have to start making things like yesterday.
So I have made some banners, his name sign, a balloon wreath, a few games, and have ordered a Lego mold to make more favors and decor...but the pinata was scaring me a little.
Not a lot, but enough to make me put it off for over a month. But really, it was EASY!!!! And so much cheaper than going out and buying one that may or may not fit your theme.
Jansen was very specific about wanting a square, red Lego brick pinata. And after two it is...
Total cost $12 for the candy inside and for one can of red spray paint (which will be used to paint other decorations for the party. Here is the play-by-play.
First, I cooked up a little paper mache.
4 Cups of water
3 Tbsp sugar
1.5 cups of flour
Bring 2 cups of water to boil in a saucepan on your stove. While that is coming to a boil, in another bowl, whisk together the 2 remaining cups of water with the flour. Once the water on the stove is boiling, add your flour mixture. Return to a boil, then remove from heat. Whisk in the sugar, pour into a bowl and let it cool.
While this is cooling, get your box.
I chose a box Jansen had left over from a toy he got for Christmas. It was square and had enough sturdiness to it. I had left over Halloween cups that I placed on the box to figure out the right size for the dots.
Then cut the bottoms out of the cups and hot glue them to the box.
I cut rectangles out of the sides of the box and a couple out of the top for the rope to go through.
A helpful tip for this??? Reinforce this cut with some extra cardboard.
The rope will be holding the entire weight of the pinata and the candy inside.
Earlier that week, I had gone up to my childrens' school to use their paper cutter because I didn't have one at home. I highly recommend using one!!! Cut newspaper in various widths from 1-3 inches.
By this time, the paper mache should be cooler and ready to use. Start covering!
I found that wearing an apron and having some paper towels handy was very helpful because this is messy. Dip your strips into the mache, squeegie it off with your fingers and place it over the box, smoothing as you go.
After the first coat is dry(in about 12 hours), put on an additional coat of mache. I found that 2 full coats gave it stability but shouldn't be so concrete that the kids can't break it open.
At this point, I let mine dry overnight with a fan on it to speed up the process a little.
Then I sprayed a coat of primer, followed by two coats of Red Tomato, and hung it to dry.
It is perfect! I love it and I know Jansen is going to be ecstatic when he sees it. This is one time that I saw that going EXACTLY THE SAME in my mind....