So here is a little before and after of my new classroom.
Originally it was just a storage room. The director decided to split up an overflowing class into two classes and thus Ms. Deborah and Ms. Amber's Young 2's class was born.
We were told that as the year progresses, we will be able to add more to it :)
On the ordered list is a new bookcase for the reading nook, a new rug for the reading nook, and multicolored cushions for the reading nook. lol. It seems as though the reading nook needs a lot of work, right!? Hopefully those things will arrive before school starts.
So here is what the room looked like on taken after we removed a portable wall.....
And here are some after pictures...

On my wish list...
- a puzzle holder with extra puzzles
- uniformed storage containers for diapers and wipes
- storage containers filled with art supplies
- additional window clings
- color and number posters get started. Yay for those cute little two year olds that will be joining our class soon. I look forward to this school year!!!