
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Trash to Treasure footstool

Last week, I saw this poor little stool on the side of the road, and instantly thought, "Oh Boy! I can do something with that!!!"

Well, I picked it up and then drove around for a week with it in the back of my car. Seriously, once things get in my car, they rarely make it out. It's like a black hole or the Bermuda Triangle.

So, I added a coat of Betsy Ross House Brown that was left over from the vanity remodel, some batting from an old pillow, and leftover fabric from our bathroom curtains.

Another free project :)



  1. That thing is seriously gorgeous! i love it. I've been wanting to do something like this for a long time but haven't got around to it. Eek. It's so cute!

  2. It looks so good! Love the fabric you chose.

  3. great job! Don't you love free stuff? :)
    I'm your newest follower!

  4. Seriously, how do you make something like this look soooo good!?!?!

  5. Love it! I'm the same way about furniture in my car. I got a chair at Goodwill a few days ago for a project from Pinterest and it's still in there...someday. :)

  6. LOVE! i don't know if i love the finished project more, or the fact that it was totally free. Either way, it's awesome!

  7. Love roadside treasures! Great work!

  8. Nice save! Stop by for a blog visit my giveaway ends tomorrow.

  9. GREAT idea!! Thanks for linking to Thrifty Thursday! :)

  10. looks great! My car is the very same way. Stuff gets in there, and just stays!

  11. OMG! What a great find! This came out amazing. I just wanted to let you know that I've featured you today on Sew Woodsy. Please feel free to grab a featured button and display it proudly. Hope to see you tomorrow at another edition of What's Up Wednesdays!

  12. Adorable! What a great before and after! What a great find. I'd love it if you would check out the giveaway I'm having for a Dremel Trio!
