First, in addressing THE LIST, I have signed up for a class. It wasn't offered before my birthday, so I will have to wait until June to have completed the class. But for sake of THE LIST, let's mark off #23, and write that it is in progress. I am totally okay with that.
Now, I have had a sore throat for a few days, and needless to say, didn't get much sleep last night. By early morning, I could no longer swallow, but as usual, had too much to do to address it. Jansen had allergy testing this morning and he was very tearful about it. Fortunately the doctor had prescribed some lidocaine cream that we wrapped his arms in, and I brought a bag of goodies to distract him. All that worrying was for naught because he was a complete trooper. And boy can that child turn on the charm. Unfortunately for him, but fortunately that we found out, he reacted to everything except for cockroaches. Ew.

The doctor talked with us about how severe he is, and told us that he is in the top 1% of allergy sufferers, completely off the charts. Also, he has asthma. Oh boy! So we were sent home with prescriptions for Allegra, Nasonex, and a Flovent inhaler with a spacer. In addition we get to purchase vials of antigens for allergy shots twice a week for the next 5 years. I can't wait to get started though, because this poor child need to be able to breathe through his nose!
While we were there I decided to call my doctor, who was able to get me in this afternoon. Yay! I have strep throat and an ear infection. Who knew? One big butt shot later, and I was headed home to lysol everything.
But the big thing today is an overwhelming feeling of self inflicted mom-guilt. As most moms can attest to, we often end up putting ourselves on the back burner in order to put our children on the front. When we decided to get granite, I just couldn't let myself get excited. Then after picking it out, seeing our slab, and having it measured, Josh asked me if I was getting excited. I tentatively admitted that of course I am excited. I have always wanted granite. But I told him, I always wait for the bottom to fall out. That must be some kind of horrible personality trait. Sure enough, no sooner it said, then all this with Jansen comes up. He is so severe, that the doctor recommended getting rid of the carpet, encasing his pillow and mattress, putting an air purifier in his room, and then of course the cost of the medications, individual shots twice a week, and the actual cost of the antigens. Now I feel like how selfish I am. We are now committed to the granite, when we really need to be spending that money to improve Jansen's health. It just frustrates me, because he needs things, and I just wanted granite.
Well, I am not going to beat myself up about it. I am going to be thankful that we have health insurance because Josh is employed, thankful for the allergist who is going to dramatically change Jansen's life, and thankful for my general health to be able to take the kids to their appointments.
So, who is up for a little ebay, Craig's List, and a BIG GARAGE SALE???
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