This year, he wanted Super Mario mushroom cupcakes. More specifically, he wanted green 1-Up mushroom cupcakes, but for his birthday, he chose a skateboard party. Whatever floats your boat kiddo. These cupcakes were so easy, and while they weren't master quality, they were perfect for a bunch of 4 and 5 year-old kids. It couldn't have been easier to do.

First I made the typical cupcake in white liners. While they were baking I tinted buttercream (because it is my fave) green until Jansen said it was the right color. After the cupcakes cooled, I iced the top, and then used white chocolate chips turned upside down for the polka dots. Now, I could have used some white chocolate melting pieces, or piped circles on, but I had the chips in the pantry, so I used them. Then I used a sharpie to draw on little eyes. Jansen and Caleb both flipped out! Caleb especially since Super Mario is his life. We have done so many variations of that video game for birthdays that I am so glad to be able to make a skateboard cake for Jansen this year. How refreshing :)
Although refreshing, Jansen is pretty adamant that he wants a skateboard with flames. Red, yellow, and orange. Ok, so I can do that. I found a really cool skateboarder mylar balloon set with mylar stars and latex balloons on the internet. Same colors that he wanted on the cake...with the addition of some black. Black goes with EVERYTHING. Then, when Josh and I were in Houston, we found the perfect favors for the three kids that will be there....same colors! This seemed to be falling into place. I can't wait to get started on this birthday.
Cade just yelled AWESOME when he saw what these!!! Great job friend, miss you :)