Behold! The dreaded master bedroom closet...
Yes, I know. It made me cringe every time I grabbed a shirt. It was dead last on my list of things to accomplish over the next few weeks, but with the progress of the bathroom stalled, I decided to tackle it.
It made sense because the master closet is IN the master bathroom, so I still feel like I am making progress on the bathroom redecoration. Sneaky, Sneaky!
It started last night with the purging of my clothes. Since the weight loss, and then the tummy tuck, I cannot wear most of the things hanging in there. So I bagged up all the "non-wearable" clothes, and then moved on to the "haven't worn in ages" clothes. Some I kept, but most I didn't. After all that, I went to is exhausting.
This morning I woke up ready to tackle the rest of the mess. After the boys and I ate breakfast, they ran off into their rooms to fight their Transformers, and I ran to my closet, ready to use as much of my energy as possible, before my ADD kicks in. (I don't really have ADD...Well, actually, I have never been diagnosed with ADD, but many times I think I have it. Design ADD, at least...but I digress...)
An hour, three trashbags, and two donate bags later, I hit the wall. The undiagnosed ADD kicked in. But I was at this last point.....
Shoes. I started to think I needed a shoe intervention. But I persevered and continued the clean. And look what I found after each pair was organized...
An open space for more shoes!!!!! Who needs an intervention? Not me!
I used to complain about how small my closet was, even though it is twice the size of our other closet in our old house. But now it looks quite large. Now if Josh would just give up his 1/3 of the closet it would be perfect. I kid...I kid...he can have it.
****BONUS**** In all this cleaning, I uncovered $1.22 in change!!!! SCORE!!!!!
This last picture is crappy, I know. But any of you who read my blog regularly know that my camera has a mind of it's own and works when it wants to. This blurry picture was to show you the new outfit I purchased, down to the boots (which I bought last year)...just to show you the jeggings. Yes, I bought a pair of jeggings. I have always been anti-skinny jean/jegging for me because of my weight. But I finally, just for fun, tried them on. They fit and I thought they were cute, so I got them.
wow. I honestly find you stunningly beautiful with those jeggings and boots.
ReplyDeleteIt perfectly fit.
I love your picture ,it is awesome indeed.
And I like the transformation of your organize closet and shoe racks from a messy one.
Good job.
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