After months of patient searching on Craigslist and our local thrift shops, I FINALLY found the perfect little desk for J's room! Everything I saw was either too big, not the right style, too far away, or too expensive.
I scored this little diamond in the rough today and only had to take a quick 20 minute drive to get her...
Ok, so she is really a little piece of coal, but when I am done with her, she will sparkle like a diamond! And the price was right at $25!!!!!! There is my project for the week.
Also today, my mother brought over this beauty that was given to her by a friend who no longer wanted it, and then my mom didn't have a place for it in her house. Hmmmmm, I have a place for it. Thank you for this little gift!
And the final picture of happiness in my home is this...
My hubby installed these beautiful gas logs in our fireplace this week. We use our fireplace a lot during the winter, and the kids just love it. And we were going through some major firewood. Now these ceramic logs will last FOR-EV-ER. <3
What a great day for some great finds!!
it's really great to look forward to a project you've been wanting for a long time! I can't wait what you do with that desk. :)