Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Salt dough fossils...

It has been raining here for about 3 days now, and we are trying to keep busy while at home. We got out yesterday to find some school shoes and have a playdate with a friend, but today is an at home day. It's just too messy out. I tried to get my kids to go out and play in the rain, but they both said no. My kids must be the only kids in the world who do don't want to get dirty or play in the rain!

So as an extension of our trip to the museum over the weekend, we made some salt dough fossils.

These were a huge hit for my boys!

They went around the house looking for little toys that they could make impressions of. They made up the salt dough...which is incredible fine motor work for Jansen and great tactile/sensory work for Caleb, and got to work.

After a few hours baking in the oven, these fossils are ready to go!

Here is what you need to make your own:

Make the salt dough using a cup of salt, a cup of flour, and a little more than a half cup of water. Add all to a bowl and mix using your hands until the mixture is smooth like play-do.

It's ready to go.

Roll out sections as you wish and start pressing.

Bake at 200 degrees for about 3 hours until they are solid. Make sure you bake them on wax paper, or they will stick to the pan.

You now have salt dough fossils.

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