Thursday, December 11, 2014

Husband's Work Christmas Party

This year is the first year that my husband and I have gone to one of his work parties, and I am so glad we did.

My husband works for Dow Chemical as a Process Operator. He works both outside and inside on the board. I am so proud of him and what he has accomplished at work!

Anyway, Dow owns a plantation home in an upscale part of our town called Lake Jackson Farms. Here's the backstory.

Our town, Lake Jackson, was essentially founded based on Abner Jackson, who owned a sugar mill plantation in that area post Civil War. The lake was named after him, and a recreation of his plantation was built many years ago as a historical preservation effort.

Let me just say, I had no earthly idea that this place existed. Pulling into the parking lot underneath these giant, old trees, and looking at the fabulous Plantation House, I was having a Gone With The Wind moment!

I wish I had taken more pictures, but I was too busy meeting his coworkers and trying to remember everyone's names and job titles.

We had a really great time. I had been chit chatting with a man for about 10 minutes, having a great, fun conversation, and when I found Josh again, I asked what his name was again. He informed me that was his boss. I did it again later, as I was having a wonderful conversation with a totally fun woman, and was later informed that she was the Director of his block and several other blocks. She was basically his boss's, boss's, boss.

Josh has a lot of great coworkers. It was so nice to get out with my husband and spend a fun evening together. I can't wait until next year's party.

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