Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Disney Cruise Day 6: The Final Installment

I will never again wait for someone to take my bags off a cruise again. This was too easy. 

Friday morning all of us woke up to brown water. Brown water=Galveston. Ho hum, we were back. 

We are morning people (I have learned to accept that everyone else is but me) so we were packed and ready to roll down to breakfast by 7:00am. 

I almost forgot to take down the fish extender....had to double back and collected most of it on the bed to pack. Here is just a couple days worth of fish extender gifts....

What....what??!!!! Good gifts!! That was a fun thing to do during vacation!

On the way to breakfast, I rolled over the heel of my flip flop but somehow I kept walking and broke my favorite pair of dressy flip flops. "I blew out my flip flop....stepped on a pop top." There was no pop top, but at that point, I had to dig....IN THE my huge suitcase for another pair of flip flops. Luckily I pack a zillion shoes ( I need choices), and another pair was right on top. 

We ate one final meal with our new friends from Longview, grabbed our luggage they stored for us at the door, and rolled off the ship. I tried to burn the memories of the trip and all the hidden Mickeys in my head as we walked through the line. 

A quick trip through customs and we were in our car leaving the port by 8:15am. 

Caleb said something that all of us were thinking but no one said, "My heart is sad but I still feel happy." That's when I knew he thought the vacation was awesome. Two snaps and a shimmy for Mom and Dad, who planned a successful family vacation and we all came back alive. That, my friends, is the sign of a good vacation.

Here are a few of the "professional" pics that the  cruise photographers took of us. Some of them I really wanted when we took them...Caleb's eyes were closed, or Jansen was I was only able to buy a few. scanner is being wonky and wouldn't scan these. While I will keep trying, I at least snapped some photos of the photos on my iphone. And dang it, now it won't upload 4 of them right...oh well,,,, here are my kiddos!

This, my friends, is the end of our Mickey journey. It was 8 months in the making. Eight months of paying, planning, creating, excitement, hopes, dreams, anticipation, packing, unpacking, and repacking. We are super blessed to be able to provide opportunities like this for our kids and for each other. It truly was magical and we would sail with them again ( as soon as possible, please!). 

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