It had a cute enough pattern on it, but unfortunately it was showing some signs of wear and tear. But that is no reason not to love it.
We have this wonky bar area in front of our sink that overlooks he living room. There isn't really enough room to put bar stools there and still maintain a walkway through the living room (unless I find a more creative furniture layout, which is a possibility). But this little bar has three different angles on it, so nothing really sits on it except for massive amounts of papers from school, work, etc (organization for this to come soon...)
Anyway, whatever I place here cannot be tall so as to not block the view into the living room, and it has to be small because of the strange size and angle of the bar. So spray paint, some leftover clear marbles, and a few pears, made a nice little addition to the bar. I think I will live with this for a while before I change it to pillar candles (one of my favorite things!).
On a side note, I am getting a little impatient about my new dining room chandelier. The hubs has been extremely busy working graveyards over the last 2 weeks or so, and so I cannot complain. It's been a while since he was able to get some overtime, and when it is available, he takes it! Maybe it will get hung today. If not, it probably won't be until Tuesday of next week. We all know that I am no electrician :). I will be patient, I will be patient, I will be patient.
How in the heck are you so stinking creative!?!?!?